What we do

Training for professionals
Training for people with learning disabilities
Training for professionals 
We provide training on issues related to adults and young people with learning disabilities. 
Our training is provided by members of the Opening Doors Training Group. The best people to deliver this type of training are people with learning disabilities themselves who are experts by experience. 
Just some examples of training we can offer professionals:
  • Making information Easy Read 
  • Equality and diversity
  • Understanding personal budgets - how to support people to make choices
  • Using person-centred planning tools - how to work with people to develop their plan
  • Tenancy training for support staff
  • Manual handling - how to support people who use wheelchairs in a safe manner
  • Visual awareness - How to support people with visual impairment
  • Making sense of Government policy
  • Our experience of using health services
  • Our experience of using sports facilities
  • Human Rights and disability discrimination  
We can also tailor packages for your needs. 
What University of East Anglia student nurses have said:
“I found this session very useful. The trainers experiences gave me an insight into what it is like for a person with Learning Difficulties to undergo health care treatment.”
“Very good presentation – the best yet. Loved the interaction. Thought they were all brave.”
“I found this a big eye opener. I really enjoyed it. In the future I will remember all your points and will be a better nurse.”
“Brilliant presentation. Really helpful and answered a lot of questions I had.”
“You are an inspiration to all.”
Training for people with learning disabilities
We offer all sorts of training to support people with learning difficulties so they can gain more experience, grow in confidence and get more control over their lives. 

Just some examples of training we can offer:
  • How to get the support you need
  • Tenancy training - having your own home
  • Disability awareness and visual awareness
  • Personal budgets
  • Why and how to vote
  • Knowing your rights
  • Reporting hate crime and keeping safe
  • How to run meetings
We can also put together training to suit individual needs.

We make information easier to understand and read. Ways we have done this include:
•    We have written and produced a guide called How To Make Information Accessible. It costs £30 plus postage and packaging. For charities it’s just £20 plus postage and packaging.
•    We produce Easy Read information for outside organisations. We charge £50 an hour for this service. 
•    We can act as consultants, giving feedback on the accessible information they have produced and suggest ways in which it may need improving. Again, we charge £50 per hour for this service.
•    We can deliver training to help professionals learn how to make information accessible. A package can be put together for individual needs.
What people have said about our accessible information work:
“Opening Doors have produced Easy Read documents for NHS Norfolk. Every document has been produced to a very high standard from source documents which have not always been so. It has been a pleasure working with a local organisation run for and by people with learning disabilities.”
Jennifer Downie, Equality & Diversity Manager, NHS Norfolk
“Thank you for all your hard work, this is great.”
Laura McCartney Gray, Patient & Public Involvement Manager
NHS Norfolk
“This is great! Thanks for your support, Isabel.”
Tristan Johnson, Acute Hospital Liaison Nurse (learning disabilities), Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“It’s fab, many thanks indeed!”
Jo Richardson, Corporate Equality & Diversity Manager, Norfolk County Council
Communication cards
These cards have been designed to help everyone to be more involved in meetings (not just those who normally do all the talking!).
Each person has a set of cards.
Cost of 1 pack of communication cards: £40.00 plus postage
One (1) pack of communication cards consists of 10 sets, ie enough for 10 people, - plus a card explaining how to use them.  They come in an A5 folder to keep them all together.
The costs reflects the cost of the paper, printing, laminates, folder and the time taken to make the cards (which is considerable).

9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
01603 631 433